2024 WordPress Review

This is the 2024 review of WordPress CMS, the open-source content management system (CMS), that you can install on a server. We will approach the review from the perspective of a small business owner or a website manager. And without adding any plugins.
video version: https://youtu.be/JEXZPe87EfI

https://en-ca.wordpress.org/, url to try out the latest version of Wordpress - https://playground.wordpress.net/

This will focus on core capabilities of the latest version of Wordpress out-of-the-box.

Latest version and End of life (EOL)

Support for markdown, rst format

  • Wordpress supports markdown format out of the box
  • RST format is not supported out of the box, but you can install plugins to support RST format


  • You can add image and edit the aspect ration
  • Image optimization is not supported out of the box

Editing CSS, JS, and HTML

  • You can edit the the theme file by creating a child theme

Install marketing scripts

  • You can add script by editing the theme file

Default SEO and Analytics

  • Does not output meta description out of the box, it is dependent on the theme
  • You can install plugins for adding meta desctiption

Usability for non-technical users

  • Beacuse a server and database are required, it is not as easy as other website builders
  • Core functionaly is good for blogging