Python Beginner Tips

Feeling overwhelmed with Python? Here are some tips for you.

Congrats if you are reading this you already are on a wonderful and rewarding journey. Have high expectations from the Python language. If you can dream it, you can build it.

I was a Python language complete newbie one year ago. Now I would consider myself an intermediate.

You can start from online resources for basic Python. I think there are many great resources in form of book, online tutorials, blogs, courses, certifications that go through the basics in structured way. You will start from installing Python on your machine (which is very easy) to building a basic program that prints Hello world.

Python is a versatile and very popular 'programming language'. It can be used on the spectrum of software developer to machine learning engineers. It is a excellent language for scripting to achieve automation workflows.

Libraries ecosystem for Python is thriving and you can find a library for almost anything you can think of. Python is a great language to learn for beginners and experts alike.

Potential use cases of Python in data and marketing field are -

  • Audit containers or marketing automation assets
  • Automate reports , processes and workflows
  • Track and monitor data
  • Web scraping
  • Data analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Machine learning
  • Natural language processing
  • Data engineering
  • Data science

Wealth of resources are available online. I have listed some of the resources that I have used and found helpful.

## Python Beginner will find this website incredibly helpful Just read this free fun book and you are all set for basics.

### The best way to learn is from the source Go to the Python website for this - Then you can use your web crawling skills to get more resources!

### Once you reach the dictionaries portion in the bsaics you can do the below two tutorials to test out the power of Python

### The Ultimate Python Bootcamp After doing all of this still hungry for more and have some time on hand? I have created this intense Python specific playlist on O'reily website

You will enjoy Raymond Hettinger, Python Workouts and other titles in the playlist.

## Below are the tips that I have for you (Last updated Sep 2022):

  1. Get a mentor, or someone to get feedback from
  2. Read the theory, so many advanced books out there
  3. Read the documentation, get in the habit. Or using dir(), & help()
  4. Follow the below websites and their Pycon talks on video streaming platforms
  5. See old pycon talks online
  6. Get to know the community and use cases
  7. See how you can leverage your new knowledge at work

# Now that you have an idea about what to expect here are the things learning which will make your life easier

  • Start from the basics of Python. Don't skip anything. lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, functions, classes, modules, packages, virtual environments, decorators, generators, iterators, context managers, async await, coroutines, comprehensions, lambda, map, filter, reduce, zip, enumerate, itertools, functools, collections, operator, etc. (even if you don't know what these are, you will learn about them in the course of your journey also you can google them and at least know what they are)
  • Learn about the standard library. It is very powerful and has a lot of useful modules. You will be surprised how much you can do with the standard library alone.
  • Learn about the Python package index (PyPI) and how to use pip to install packages. You will need to install packages to do anything useful with Python.
  • Learn about the Python style guide (PEP 8) and how to write idiomatic Python code. This will help you write code that is easy to read and understand.
  • Different ways of running python, on your work, school or personal Windows or Mac computer. You can also use a Linux virtual machine or a cloud service like AWS or Google Cloud. Or you can use a free online service like or Google Colab.
  • Learning about Git and getting started with different version control websites. You can use GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or any other service.

### TODOS for you to learn Python 1. Create an account on Github 2. create a codespace 3. Create a new .ipynb file and start coding a hellow world program 4. Run the hello world code 5. Create a new repository and push your code to it

Use web search if you are struck or reach out to me!