Scheduled script windows

Schedule a python script in windows
video version:
  1. Go to the project folder, create a venv environment, and istall libraries required
  2. The way to do this is to create your puthon script and note down the path
  3. Then crete a .bat file and add the below content to the bat file. Replace with the correct path annd the path to the correct venv env cd /d C:UsersPrasannaDocumentsGitHubpop_crawlerviz_plotlyscheduler & schedulervenvScriptsactivate.bat & python & deactivate
  4. Then open task scheduler application on windows.
  5. The create a new task and under actions give the location of the bat file
  6. Schedule the task for sometime in the future

In the bat file you can even install reqs on every run if you want.

Enjoy! Sounrce -