WIX Review 2024

This is the 2024 review of Wix website builder. It is one of the popular website builders. We will approach the review from the perspective of a small business owner or a website manager. And without adding any plugins and on basic plans.
video version: https://youtu.be/6yCThew6Yw4


Wix is a popular website builder. It is a public company and trades on NASDAQ.

They have lots of features.

Min $ per month for a single page, multiple page website, ssl, custom domain

$16 per month for website

Basic $ ecommerce - list products and payments

CAD 27 for basic ecommerce

Latest version and End of life (EOL)

Features reach end of life - https://dev.wix.com/docs/rest/articles/what-s-new/end-of-life-notices Website itself does not reach end of life.

Support for markdown, rst format

No markdown support while writing.


Great image editing options. You can import from shutterstock, unsplash, and other sources. Plus you can use AI to generate images, and it is quick.

Editing CSS, JS, and HTML

You are able to edit CSS for individual components. But could not find it easily.

Install marketing scripts

Needs to update to premium plan for adding Google Tag Manager, same for Google Analytics. In built tracking present.

Don't know which premium plan you need to upgrade to for adding Google Tag Manager.

Default SEO and Analytics

  • They do have the checklist in the site.

Usability for non-technical users (creating urls, pages, navigation)

  • Very feature rich. But a steep learning cuve.
  • You need to spend time to understand the features.