Other articles

  1. WIX Review 2024

    This is the 2024 review of Wix website builder. It is one of the popular website builders. We will approach the review from the perspective of a small business owner or a website manager. And without adding any plugins and on basic plans.

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  2. 2024 WordPress Review

    This is the 2024 review of WordPress CMS, the open-source content management system (CMS), that you can install on a server. We will approach the review from the perspective of a small business owner or a website manager. And without adding any plugins.

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  3. My fav advice

    Some pearls of advice have stayed with me and I have implemented them in my daily life. Some of these were just passing comments and some were told to me with good will.

    However these pearls of wisdom reached me, they changed who I was and what I was doing …

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